
When you've taken a large, stinky dump in the office bathroom, finished up, opened the door and presented yourself at the sink and have been identified as the culprit of the most ridiculous aroma imaginable.

The reveal
When you've taken a large, stinky dump in the office bathroom, finished up, opened the door and presented yourself at the sink and have been identified as the culprit of the most ridiculous aroma imaginable.
Dude, I was blowing up the toilet in the men's bathroom and someone came in and started choking like they needed CPR. When I came out for the reveal, I realized it was our boss!

Reveals is the best COD Online trickshotter to have ever been brought to the surface of planet earth. He is the type of nigga you hit up if you're actually a beast too like him. Reveals should be in SoaR.
That nigga Reveals is the god of CoD Online. If you see Reveals going for shots you can already tell how deep he is in a Spiral of Depression.

So it all started with Janet Jackson's "costume reveal," then Extreme Makeover on ABC started calling the final part of their show the reveal, and finally FOX cememted it my using the "reveal" as the climax of thier everpopular show The Swan.

A reveal is the part of a reality makeover show where you see how not- beat-up the person is.
Susan: Paula looked really beat up before her reveal on The Swan.

Thomas: Not nearly as beat as you.

gender reveal
Gender reveals are to find out the gender of an unborn baby. The reveal can be through pink or blue balloons, cake, opening a box, or something similar. The gender is one of the first things you get to find out about the baby. It's a new piece of them you get to meet so it's special and exciting. When the parents learn the gender they can start planning clothes, his/her room, and even the child's name. Parents go through the effort to treat their friends to food, desserts, and a party.
Sarah: You wanna come to our gender reveal party?
Elsie: Ooooh yes!
*later at the party*
Anthony: My boy Jimmy is having a boy!
Colin: Yoooo!
Jimmy: *happy noises, whooping*

Double Reveal
On a double date, both women lift up there tops in front of the men at the same time.
Last night Karen and I went out with Nick and Ashley. The girls were drinking wine and they broke out the double reveal. Four tits staring at Nick and me!!!

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