cool man
a sarcastic and
dismissive phrase used when indicated that you've spotted someone is trying to
brag and you couldn't
give a shit
not cool man
by Shiraz rocks mannnn on Feb 04, 2018 05:30:54
when someone does something that is not acceptable, "
Not cool man!" is usually an appropriate phrase to
inform them that what they did was
not nice, cool, funny, or tolerated by society, or just you.
Cool Man
by Josephs No. 1 Fan on May 27, 2007 12:33:57
by cheeko on Feb 11, 2005 08:12:58
A Very Cool Man
by A Very Cool Man on Jun 20, 2020 19:26:57
A Very Cool Man or
O' Holy Glorious Master is a person who is so awsome and cool he has this name, plus, he a an awsome pleasant called
theo and is in TheRandomersism
Whoa is that A Very Cool Man?
cool man syndrome
by Gynuq on Dec 16, 2019 08:52:19
when you have the
cool man sydrome you become cool
your skin around your face form around your eyes to create sunglasses and you are forced to always have a straight face
you also always have to wear cool man clothes, like a t shirt and jeans or pants
anything that is not those will make your skin
make it's own clothing out of the same material
Cool man shades
by flankplank on Dec 02, 2011 02:05:02
Cool stuff man
by RBSlover :) on Jan 03, 2011 17:34:07
(n). A word you use after a
boring person texts you telling you about things
you don't care to reply to thus pissing them off by only saying this. Mostly meaning "I DON'T CARE" But in a slightly
nicer way. A great subject-changer!
cool aid man
by the bro, bro! on May 24, 2017 02:33:39
a bid red lemonade glass with the drink "
cool aid" in it he is there
offical mascot and always says " OH YEAH!!!!!" he also likes to break through walls in conclusion (he is
Cool Waffle Man
by HumanitysDying on Jan 09, 2020 03:55:51