the mexican

A Mexican person born in Mexico who now lives in America. Not Mexican American

A person of nationality of the country of Mexico.

Contrary to popular misconception, "Mexican" is not a racial or ethnic group. Though the majority of Mexicans are Amerindians (pure-bloods and mixed-bloods "mestizos"), there are a substantial number of non-Indian Mexicans, such as the Spanish whites that are effectively the ruling class of the country, blacks, Jews, Arabs (Salma Hayek, telecom magnate Carlos Slim), etc.

A "Mexican-American" is a Mexican national in the U.S. Though the U.S. born children of Mexican immigrants usually claim to be "Mexican," this makes no more sense than U.S. born children of Canadian immigrants claiming to be Canadian.
Idiot: Uhm, Vicente Fox ain't brown; how's he former president of Mexico?

Mexican: /facepalm

A person born in or has heritage in Mexico. It is not a race, it is a nationality. Like people from the U.S., they can have a variety of looks (i.e. blonde haired and blue eyed, dark haired and light eyed etc.) Not all Mexicans are dark skinned, dark haired and dark eyed. Like people from the U.S., Mexicans can have descent from the native people (i.e. Aztecs) and/or Europeans.
Person 1: Hey look at that American guy!

Person 2: What if he is Mexican?

Person 1: No he can't be! He's got blonde hair and blue eyes!

Person 2: Dude, Mexicans have all kinds of looks. Don't be ignorant.

To modify an older Honda Civic to fit it into the racing category although not specialized to race; to amplify a lemon's look to look like it's an ideal racing care when it isn't. Put differently, ruining a car's image.

A second definition is a generalized cheap look or value to a specific object or abstract entity.
Hey Timmy, why is your piece of shit mexicanized Civic so shiny?

Another example: Man that car insurance advertisement looks suspicious.

The Mexican
A match winning high school footballer, that wasnt drafted to the AFL, that occasionally likes to eat a plate of nachos from the missus' back in front of the fire place.
Hi Honney, care to join me for the mexican deluxe.

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