the name comes from Italy and for centuries was the most popular name given to the kings. People with this name should always believe and trust in themselves as they have a very strong power. They are usually very adventurous people and always looking for love, but the real love will come without them realise as it always been there very close to them. they are really good with low impact sports such yoga and
meditation. they often complain about life but don’t take any action to
change it. if you have this name look in your mirror now, deep inside your eyes and get ready for
the challenge of your life.
by shut.yall.bubblegum.dum.dum.up on Oct 11, 2019 01:51:09
a giovani is the best person ever they might misbehaive at school and get
excluded but
uno u still
gotta love him. they are the most attractive people on the planet with the prettiest eyes, they are often tall and A CRACKHEAD but we still love them..nah jk jk… unless
by avalovw123 on Jul 23, 2021 15:04:25
by Thebestknower on Aug 12, 2019 11:48:02
A cute person, that is a little shy of course. But he or she can be
a gamer. They have a crush on the people who are the good people not the hottest. If you met a
Giovany they are
a keeper!
by JJRamireZ on Nov 22, 2021 08:39:32
Giovany is a guy with a
big heart. He is the kindest and the one who will always treat
you right. He makes you feel known and would never let anybody hurt you. Giovany is well known throughout people and is very
by ILuvDictionMyAss on Jan 23, 2021 01:32:23
The Sexiest, Most Epic man you’ll ever meet. He is very Hot and has
abs and shit. He is very cool and very tall. Then again, he tends to stick his
dick in coffee
by dededef on Nov 18, 2019 11:39:10
if your name is Giovani or
Gio it usually mean that
you suffer from big-peen disease they tend to have black or dirty blond hair and usually from
name is Giovani
by Rocketflyer69 on Oct 17, 2017 13:30:45
A boy/man who is a manwhore. he looks like a
ashan gorilla. his dick is small like a
tictac. It leaves a fresh taste in your mouth. He
tinks he isssa funnyy but ah no. He has his moments where he could be an ass but we still love him. nah. he gets hard quickly, and falls for everything he sees. JK he's a bitch lol.lord. sexually gifted. But keeps talking in bed and doesnt shut the fuck up. He pretends that he is in assassins creed by how he walks.
Me: Guys whats the definition of a
Ally: That's
by BigDickGioWhoopingCock on Jul 12, 2023 22:59:06
GIovani is usually a person with a tank looking ass cock that fucks every bitch till they explode he's really tall like his johnson and like eating ass he loves plasma pink and is usually the best
rainbow six siege player in the friend group his big ass whoopig cock is the females biggest weakness to everyone he tends to like
eating watermelon
by Gio38582 on Nov 23, 2021 12:58:40