Disagreeable means nasty, offensive, disgusting, repulsive. It can refer to an unpleasant or unenjoyable experience, something that you wish you had never done, or even thought of or something that you thought would be really good that turned out to be a real disappointment.It can also refer to someone who is unfriendly and bad tempered, the sort of person who resents and hates everything and everybody; who if you said “Good morning” to them, they would take it as a declaration of war and commence hostilities immediately. They are the sort of person who seems to have a permanent toothache and blames it on everyone with whom they come into contact.disagreeance
Disagree to disagree to agree
Jenny, the coiner of the statement “disagree to agree,” disagrees to disagree to disagree to agree. I hope you are confused.
Jenny, the coiner of the statement “disagree to agree,” disagrees to disagree to disagree to agree. I hope you are confused.
have or express a different opinion.
"no one was willing to disagree with him"
synonyms: fail to agree, be in dispute/contention, be at variance/odds, not see eye to eye, differ from, dissent from, diverge from; More
antonyms: agree
disapprove of.
"she disagreed with the system of apartheid"
synonyms: disapprove of, oppose, dissent from, think wrong, be against, have a problem with, demur about/against, not believe in, not support
"they disagreed with American policy"
antonyms: agree
(of statements or accounts) be inconsistent or fail to correspond.
"results which disagree with the findings reported so far"
synonyms: differ, be dissimilar, be unlike, be different, vary; More
antonyms: agree
(of food, climate, or an experience) have an adverse effect on.
have or express a different opinion.
"no one was willing to disagree with him"
synonyms: fail to agree, be in dispute/contention, be at variance/odds, not see eye to eye, differ from, dissent from, diverge from; More
antonyms: agree
disapprove of.
"she disagreed with the system of apartheid"
synonyms: disapprove of, oppose, dissent from, think wrong, be against, have a problem with, demur about/against, not believe in, not support
"they disagreed with American policy"
antonyms: agree
(of statements or accounts) be inconsistent or fail to correspond.
"results which disagree with the findings reported so far"
synonyms: differ, be dissimilar, be unlike, be different, vary; More
antonyms: agree
(of food, climate, or an experience) have an adverse effect on.
"the sea crossing disagreed with her"
synonyms: make ill, make unwell, nauseate, sicken, upset, cause illness to, cause discomfort to, be injurious to, have an adverse effect on
"the North Sea crossing seemed to have disagreed with her"
"the sea crossing disagreed with her"
synonyms: make ill, make unwell, nauseate, sicken, upset, cause illness to, cause discomfort to, be injurious to, have an adverse effect on
"the North Sea crossing seemed to have disagreed with her"
Agree to disagree
What someone says when they want to end an argument, essentially concluding that both parties think they are right and that they will get nowhere in arguing.
Guy: It doesn't matter what a judge's background or opinion is when he/she is making a decision.
Girl: But what they believe has a huge effect on the verdict; nothing is objective!
Guy: But to be a judge you must be impartial.
Girl: Aaaah, you just don't get it.
Guy: Can't we just agree to disagree? This argument is really petty. We both seem to be set in our argument.
Guy: It doesn't matter what a judge's background or opinion is when he/she is making a decision.
Girl: But what they believe has a huge effect on the verdict; nothing is objective!
Guy: But to be a judge you must be impartial.
Girl: Aaaah, you just don't get it.
Guy: Can't we just agree to disagree? This argument is really petty. We both seem to be set in our argument.
Disagree to Agree
What you say when you are in the middle of an argument and realize you are both saying the same thing in different ways.
Bobby: Richard Bachman has to be the greatest writer ever.
Ricky: Sorry bro, but I have to say that Stephen King is much better.
Bobby: Ummm, those are the same auth... nevermind. Let's just disagree to agree on that one.
Bobby: Richard Bachman has to be the greatest writer ever.
Ricky: Sorry bro, but I have to say that Stephen King is much better.
Bobby: Ummm, those are the same auth... nevermind. Let's just disagree to agree on that one.
agree to disagree
agree to disagree
What a person says when they are too lazy or bigoted to enter a discussion which may lead them to reassess their opinions.
Me: Climate change is real.
Some guy: Nah, it's a myth.
Me: I have the data here to prove it. Take a look.
Some guy: Let's agree to disagree.
Me: Climate change is real.
Some guy: Nah, it's a myth.
Me: I have the data here to prove it. Take a look.
Some guy: Let's agree to disagree.